Saturday, January 17, 2009

Happy Birthday

Tanner just had his 10th birthday. He had alot of fun and got some really cool gifts.
I can't believe he's already 10.It seems like just the other day he was my little baby.
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Susan said...

Hi Nancy. Just noticed you left me a comment, I figured Shell was the only one who would even see my blog! You need to come see my house sometime, I would love that. You have my favorite saying on your page "We may not have it all together....", I love that:)

Darcie said...

Hey Nancy, How are things going? I was just blog hopping and found yours. Hope all is well.

Ryan said...

I've been trying to find your blog because I forgot to paste the address--I've tried every kind of combo of bandnklingler under the sun. I seriously think I'm losing my mind:). Happy 10th!! I can't believe how old we are getting.

Nicki said...

So sorry, I forgot to log out of my husband's account--It's just me, Nicki. I went up and back yesterday for Lester Wade's funeral. I love that valley so much and the people there. I saw Sid Kunz and Summer Winger. We really should do a little gathering this summer of some kind. . .